World Type

A world can be local, private or public. These options are not mutual exclusive.

Local World

Server will keep no record of local worlds, which means that they can’t be queried.
Repository will not store local worlds, which means that they can’t be downloaded from repository.
Local worlds can’t be played online.

Private World

World_Gate neither hosts, nor promotes, nor distributes a private world.
Server will keep a minimal record of private worlds. The record only holds ID, name, date, hash, player number and owner. Private worlds are not open to public query.
Repository will not store private worlds, which means that they can’t be downloaded from repository.
Private worlds can be played online. During playing, not a single byte of the contents will be transmitted through World_Gate.
Private worlds don’t need to be reviewed. One user can only privatize X + 1 world per week, where X = Gater’s Level.

Technically, no one knows the existence nor the contents of a private world unless the author sends the package to them.
That is what private means and the right of a private world. As a result, it is SOLELY the author’s responsibility to keep the world private and use it according to local laws.

Public World

World_Gate hosts, promotes and distributes a public world.
Server will keep a full record of public worlds. The record includes ID, name, date, hash, base, player number, tag, warning, meta info, project file, license, play record and owner. Public worlds are open to public query.
Repository will store public worlds. They can be downloaded from repository once passed review.
Public worlds can be played online. Players will be recorded as the record is necessary to apply Gater’s Formula. The play process may be recorded anonymously. All members of the community can access the data, which are intended for research and building AI.
Public worlds need to be reviewed before it actually gets published. The criteria are the 3C Principles. During review warning tags may be added to the world.

One user can only publish one world per week.
Once a world becomes public it cannot be modified by the author anymore.

All public worlds are subject to the decision of the whole World_Gate community.

Public AI

World_Gate hosts, promotes and distributes a public AI.
Server will keep a full record of public AI. The record includes ID, name, date, hash, link, tag, warning, meta info, project file, play record and owner. Public AI are open to public query.
Repository will store public AI. They can be downloaded from repository once passed review.
When a public AI is played online, its player count will increase accordingly.
All public AI are released under Knight license.
Public AI need to be reviewed before it actually gets published. The criteria are the 3C Principles. During review warning tags may be added to the AI.

One user can only publish X + 1 AI per week, where X = Gater’s Level.
Once an AI becomes public it cannot be modified by the author anymore.

All public AI are subject to the decision of the whole World_Gate community.