World_Mind Download

World_Mind is the tool for building AIs. It is a free software released under GPL license.
You don’t need to install World_Mind. Just download, unzip and run. It will not access critical or sensitive areas in your computer, collect data from your computer or do anything harmful to your computer. You can use it without any internet connection.

Windows user notice:
(1) I recommend you put World_Mind under a path that contains English characters only.
(2) The first time you run World_Mind, you may need to unblock the “unidentified developer” alert.
(3) You need World_Creator in order to use World_Mind properly.

MacOS user notice:
(1) I recommend you put World_Mind in the Application folder.
(2) The first time you run World_Mind, right click the .app and choose Open in the menu.
(3) You need World_Creator in order to use World_Mind properly.

How to setup and compile the project:
World_Mind is developed with Qt framework. This makes things simple. Just get Qt Creator ready and open the with it.
Before compiling, here’s a few things you should be aware of.
(1) Make sure your native compiler supports C++17.
(2) Compile AngelScript(2.34.0) separately and change .pro file to set the path to this external library.
(3) World_Mind also uses other libraries such as asio. They are used in direct source codes format and already included in the project.
(4) Source codes are all in UTF-8 encoding, with lots of Chinese comments. If you want to compile it with MSVC, you need to change the encoding to UTF-8 BOM, or else MSVC will output strange errors. Personally I think it’s a flaw in the compiler. Apple Clang and g++ don’t have this issue.